Tuesday 22 November 2016

Durban lightning!

More lightning from the night of the 21st November 2016.

There was only one good image to come from my attempts at capturing lightning.
The others were off center etc.

Again the camera was handheld and supported against the burglar guards on the open window.
Canon 1200D(T5)
8 second exposures at ISO 100.
Using the 18 to 55mm lens at  41mm.

This one almost appears to be striking the trees at the bottom of image. Very cool!

Sunday 13 November 2016

Lightning over Durban.

Since I have been suffering a tragic cloud apocalypse with no decent viewing or imaging opportunities it was time for some good old fashioned "If you can't beat em' join em'".

So with a recent electrical storm that passed over my home to ram home the message of no astronomy I tried my hand at photographing the weather!
More specifically the lightning.

This was my first proper attempt at this and it is remarkably simple.
Aim the camera, focus, and take six second exposures with a ISO of 100.
From 110 images 13 had lighting in them and here are a few of my favourites.

At least that gives you an idea of the rubbish weather here of late.
Hope you enjoyed these images, it was fun taking them and I think I would like to do more.