NGC 6025
NGC 3372
December 22 2017
NGC 362 and surrounds of the SMC.
TUC 47. Image taken on Friday 4th August 2017
NGC 5189 a Planetary Nebula. Taken on the 20th June 2017.
NGC 5189 |
Another Milky way, this time with a closer view. It features M8/M20/M7.
Taken on the evening of 7 June 2017 with a DSLR only.
MILKY WAY Durban 28 May 2017.
Wide field on a static tripod with DSLR only.
NGC 3372. The Eta Carina Nebula.
Taken in Underberg South Africa in May 2017
Comet C/2015 ER61 (Panstarrs).
Imaged on the morning of 17 April 2017 at 4AM.
Centaurus A, NGC 5128 imaged on the night of April 22 2017.
Milky way from a urban setting
First ever nightscape image.
Taken on February 12 2016 at 19H50.
ISO 800 and a 15 second exposure.
Ran the image through Star Tools for some processing.
March 01 2016.
Took two new images last night.
The first is Eta Carina and surrounds and the second is the Crux and surrounds.
First Eta Carina.
ISO 1600
10 second exposure
Focal length 100.0mm
Now the Crux and surrounds.
ISO 800
30 second exposure.
Focal length 51.00mm
These are both single shots with the canon 1200D on a tripod.
This is Eta Carina.
Also static on the tripod.
ISO 3200
Focal length 200.0mm
F 5.0
15 Second exposure.
Sunday 06 March 2016
Another widefield image with the camera on the tripod(1200D).
These are the Southern Pleiades taken on the evening of 06 March 2016.
ISO 1600
15 sec exposure
Focal length 200mm
March 17 2016.
Moon handheld with Canon 1200D.
75-300mm F4-5.6 lens at a focal length of 300mm.
ISO 400
Shutter speed of 1/125 with a aperture value of 22.
First ever image through a scope with my DSLR!!
Canon 1200D unmodded.
36 X subs at 15 second exposures stacked in DSS.
Post processing done in Star tools and photoshop.
March 23rd 2016.
Eta Carina.
ISO 800
210 subs at 20/25 seconds combined and stacked in DSS, post processed in Star tools and PS2.
March 30th 2016.
Omega Centaurus.
22 X 30 second light frames.
Stacked in DSS and processed with star tools.
April 11 2016.
Tarantula Nebula
40 X 30 second light frames.
10 X 30 second dark frames.
Same image cropped.
A little extra data added to the previous version of the Tarantula.
A reprocess of the Sombrero Galaxy.
Luna 18 April 2016.
Omega Centaurus.
Skywatcher 102 alt/az goto.
8X30 second light frames, dark and flat frames.
NGC 5927
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy and cropped image.
NGC 6752
NGC 6528 and NGC 6522
The Trifid Nebula.
M8 The lagoon nebula.
M17 The Omega nebula.
M27 The Dumbbell Nebula.
Grus Quartet.
M 15
M 72
Nightscape of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury.
NGC 253, the Sculptor galaxy.
The tarantula from a dark sky site(Underberg).
TUC 47
Great collection of photos, most of which I can't see from England.