Messier 42 (The great Orion Nebula).
This image was captured on the night of the 3rd December 2016.
This is my first attempt at M42 and in general I am pleased at the outcome.
My largest area of concern is the bloated and very badly CA affected stars.
Since my processing skills are still in development I have struggled to process out the CA and bloat.
And that explains why the stars look so dismal in this image.
With time and practice I am sure I could improve on this.
The details of the shoot are as follows:
Skywatcher 102.
ISO 800
231 X 25 second exposures stacked in DSS.
Canon 1200D(T5)
For this image I used no Darks, Flats or Bias exposures.
Not using darks,flats and bias is part of an ongoing discussion on as to whether they make that much difference to short exposure work.
As far as I am concerned the image did not suffer from a lack of the aforementioned files.
The noise was surprisingly low considering the sensor temp according to APT was 32/33 degrees Celsius.
And here she is.