Now for something completely different...
I have been painting the outside of our house for the last week or so. We decided on a black and white theme for the house.
White walls with all the trimmings in black.
So what does this have to do with astronomy? Well the wall where I sit outside with the scope was designated for some black.
While painting I had a thought about putting up a constellation on the wall. After some discussion(read negotiation) with my wife the plan came to fruition.
So, about the wall.
This wall is usually at my back, it faces N to Nw. So I look toward the S to SE. This allows me decent views of the SCP in the south and panning across the East and a bit further North which is bogged down with the Durban light dome.
Just over zenith and I have the house roof.
In the image at upper left is the window sill, this is about 2 meters above ground level. Our home sits on a slope. From the sidewalk you actually look over the top of the house.
I come down some stairs on the right(just out of shot, you can see the shadow though) of image and down to this level where I took the image.
I have drawn in the Crux, Musca and Hadar and Rigel Kentaurus.
If you care to zoom in a little on the image you will also see my misrepresentations of NGC 4755(The Jewel Box) and IC 2602 (The Southern Pleiades).
It was fun and I if you did not know that a passionate amateur astronomer lived here before then you do now!
Wishing you all clear skies!