Monday, 21 March 2016

The time has arrived my friends!

I finally have a image taken with a camera through a telescope!
Whoo Hoooo!!

I was fortunate enough to grab a few photons one night during the week (March 14-18).
The plan did not go as anticipated and I only took the lights!
In my excitement at actually capturing photons I completely forgot to do darks etc.

Well no problem, this is Africa and we are built tough!
So putting the light subs through DSS proved to be a exercise in frustration!
Turns out my copy of DSS was corrupted and deleting it and downloading the latest model made a world of difference.

Now it would stack 90% of the subs and I had a image to put into Star Tools.
A bit of a crop here and there and some spit and polish and out popped a image that almost resembles Eta Carina.
It is not the finest image and I am aware of the glaring problems, like a decent focus, but it is mine and I have to claim this child!

Details as follows:

Canon 1200D, no modifications or any filters used.
ISO 800
36 subs at 15 second exposure time.
Stacked in DSS and post processed in Star tools and Photoshop CS2.

And I now present my very first AP image through a scope using a Canon DSLR.

At the suggestion of a friend(thanks Jen) I have also downloaded Astro photography tool, a very handy bit of software aimed at the amateur astro photographer with all the functions you will need when out by the scope.
There is a learning curve to this AP bussiness that is steep, however it is scalable and I can only improve from here on out!

Comments as always are welcomed, good or bad!

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