Sunday, 10 February 2019


COMET C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto)

A newly discovered Comet is heading toward a close encounter with Earth this February!
Japanese astronomer Masayuki Iwamoto discovered the comet in December of 2018.

This comet is setting a fast pace, at speeds of 238.099 km/h or 66 km per second. It will make it's closest approach to Earth at only 0.30 AU and 1.28 AU from the Sun.
The closest approach will occur on February 12 2019.

The comet should easily be seen with binoculars, however the best view will still be in the scope.
To find this comet you will need to turn your attention to the constellation Leo as it passes through it.
On the 12th it will be approximately 3° from Regulus at around midnight.

The magnitudes for this comet vary, as they do for most. At best it should reach Mag 6.4, again, these are estimates and may vary wildly, some claim 5.6
Below is a ephemeris chart created by In the and kindly reproduced here by permission. A link to the webpage is available under the "Useful links" tab to the right of this page,
Below this chart are two images courtesy of SkySafari that show the location on the 12th February 2019 at approximately midnight.
So make the most of this comet while you can, It orbits the sun every 934 years, so next time it will be visible in our night skies will be in 2952!
If the clouds magically clear out here I will be out there hunting for this exciting new comet, hope to catch you all out there!

These times are Central African Time or CAT(GMT+2).

Ephemeris for C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto)
DateAge ofRightDeclinationRiseCulmSetApproxObservableConstellation


Mag.(hover mouse)
2019Feb1004 days11h11m51s+06°28'08"19:5601:4807:365.121:36 until 04:28Leo
2019Feb1105 days10h49m48s+10°14'02"19:3901:2207:015.121:20 until 04:29Leo
2019Feb1206 days10h25m45s+14°08'10"19:2100:5406:245.021:04 until 04:30Leo
2019Feb1307 days10h00m01s+18°00'08"19:0100:2505:455.020:48 until 03:57Leo
2019Feb1408 days09h33m11s+21°38'33"18:4023:5005:045.020:33 until 03:11Leo
2019Feb1509 days09h05m58s+24°53'26"18:1823:1904:245.120:18 until 02:24Cancer
2019Feb1610 days08h39m10s+27°38'30"17:5522:4803:455.220:04 until 01:36Cancer
2019Feb1711 days08h13m31s+29°51'41"17:3322:1903:095.419:51 until 00:50Cancer
2019Feb1812 days07h49m33s+31°34'42"17:1021:5102:365.519:39 until 00:07Gemini
2019Feb1913 days07h27m38s+32°51'26"16:4921:2502:055.719:36 until 23:23Gemini
2019Feb2015 days07h07m52s+33°46'40"16:2821:0201:395.919:35 until 22:46Gemini
2019Feb2116 days06h50m15s+34°25'04"16:0920:4001:156.019:34 until 22:14Gemini
2019Feb2217 days06h34m38s+34°50'41"15:5120:2100:546.219:33 until 21:49Auriga
2019Feb2318 days06h20m50s+35°06'51"15:3520:0300:356.419:32 until 21:28Auriga
2019Feb2419 days06h08m40s+35°16'06"15:1919:4700:186.619:31 until 21:10Auriga
2019Feb2520 days05h57m56s+35°20'22"15:0519:3200:046.819:30 until 20:54Auriga
2019Feb2621 days05h48m26s+35°21'07"14:5119:1923:466.919:29 until 20:41Auriga
2019Feb2722 days05h40m02s+35°19'24"14:3919:0623:347.119:27 until 20:29Auriga
2019Feb2823 days05h32m34s+35°15'59"14:2718:5523:237.319:26 until 20:18Auriga
2019Mar0124 days05h25m55s+35°11'26"14:1718:4423:127.419:25 until 20:09Auriga
2019Mar0225 days05h19m58s+35°06'10"14:0618:3523:037.619:24 until 20:00Auriga
2019Mar0326 days05h14m39s+35°00'29"13:5718:2522:547.719:23 until 19:52Auriga
2019Mar0427 days05h09m52s+34°54'34"13:4818:1722:467.919:21 until 19:45Auriga
2019Mar0528 days05h05m33s+34°48'36"13:3918:0822:388.019:20 until 19:38Auriga
2019Mar0628 days05h01m40s+34°42'41"13:3118:0122:308.119:19 until 19:31Auriga
All times computed for Durban (latitude -29.86; longitude 31.03) and expressed in Durban time.
Ephemeris by Dominic Ford –
Ephemeris for C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto)
DateAge ofRightDeclinationRiseCulmSetApproxObservableConstellation


Mag.(hover mouse)

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