Sunday 15 October 2017

TUC 47 from dark skies.

TUC 47.

I managed to spend some time away at our dark sky site last month and managed two decent(to me) images.

The first I have for show and tell is NGC 104 also known as TUC 47.
This is the second brightest globular cluster in the night skies and is a real treat to view. From the darker skies she was magnificent through the eyepiece.
At home it appears as a small tight ball of stars and under darker skies it explodes into a symphony of stars all clamouring for your attention.

The image consists of the following:

30 X 30 second exposures.
30 X dark frames.
ISO 1600
Skywatcher 102 alt/az goto scope.
Canon 1200D.
Meade nebular filter.

Processed in both Star tools and Photoshop. I am becoming a little more comfortable and confident with PS and every bit helps.
So here she is in all her majesty!

Thanks for taking a look.


  1. Good resolution with this one. It's a beaut'...Bob

  2. Thanks Bob, amazing what a difference dark skies can make.
